We had a great four-day Thanksgiving weekend- full of rest, eating, family time, shopping & decorating. On Thursday (Day One), we hosted lunch at our house for my family. I took just a few pics before everyone got there (leave it to me to never think about taking pics WHILE family is there)...
These are just a few of my Thanksgiving table- just kept it simple this year...
These are just a few of my Thanksgiving table- just kept it simple this year...
This is my little turkey platter that I scored on clearance at Dollar General last year. DG is really stepping it up on their decor!
Thursday night, we went to Zach's mom's for dinner. Only one pic really turned out that was taken that night...
It was a full day, needless to say. Then, I headed out that night at 11:00 to meet up with my mom & her best friend for some Black Friday madness! We stayed out all of NINE hours-ALL NIGHT!
And it was AWESOME!!
It was a full day, needless to say. Then, I headed out that night at 11:00 to meet up with my mom & her best friend for some Black Friday madness! We stayed out all of NINE hours-ALL NIGHT!
And it was AWESOME!!
Friday (Day Two) was pretty much a blur of a day. I didn't do much but lie around when I got home that morning, but keep in mind, I had already put in a full day.
Here's a little pic I took right before the doors were opened at Belk & the stampede began (this was right around midnight)...
Here's a little pic I took right before the doors were opened at Belk & the stampede began (this was right around midnight)...
... and we were right smack-dab in the middle of it!
Oh, and here's a pic I was able to take of the craziness that was the Belk shoe department- Hello, boot sale!
Yes, it is insane, but it's so much fun for us! We really enjoy the tradition of it. (By the way, this was my second year in a row to get the exact pair of boots both my mom & I wanted. It pays to wait it out, I'm telling ya'! I weaved into the crowd, and with a little bit of sifting through the boxes, found what we were looking for!) :)
We stayed at the mall & around the mall area all night, just long enough to be there to line up for another store opening at 6 AM...
We had such a great time! We made it home by about 8 AM, and crashed. My sweetie picked up our tree & wreath that day, hauled them home, and decorated most of the tree himself. Bless his heart! I snapped just a couple pics...
I hope to post more on our decor later on. I am changing up some of it this year- I'm sticking with the "less is more" motif. :)
I finally got up & around on Saturday (Day Three), but since the Iron Bowl was in the middle of the afternoon, we didn't get a lot done at the house that day. Roll Tide, by the way!!! (more on that later...)
I did accomplish the front porch transformation over the weekend.
...then on Saturday, it looked like this! :) ...
I am loving having this urn out on the front porch.
You can do so much with it year-round!
You can do so much with it year-round!
On Sunday afternoon (Day Four), I did a little more decorating for Christmas (which is still not completely done, by the way), and me & my sweetie watched some TV & relaxed. We don't get too many of those days, so we enjoy them while we can. We have already made our Christmas movie list, and have marked off one already. We hope to watch all of our favorites this year!
I realized I took a lot of pics of me & the babies over the long weekend. I love getting to spend more time with them when I'm home.
I realized I took a lot of pics of me & the babies over the long weekend. I love getting to spend more time with them when I'm home.