
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Weekend Update(s)

I love that I haven't posted in a while. Lately, I just haven't been in the mood to post, and haven't had much time to do so anyway. I wanted to post a quick update, mainly for myself, then I will hopefully post on Easter next.

A lot has happened since my last post...

My brother Jonathan had a birthday and turned 24. That. Is. Unbelievable. And I don't like it, because it makes me feel old.

My momma also had a birthday, and we celebrated it right...

...I gorged out on sushi & we all stuffed ourselves with Japanese food at Stix...

We took the first family pic we've taken in a long while...

This time, including Mom's new boyfriend.
What can I say, she's in love. :)

My sweetie also celebrated his birthday! He is now in the last year of his twenties at 29- can't believe that either!!

His birthday was actually the official "First Day of Spring," yet we have only had just a handful of Spring-like days. I'm so ready for Spring weather to kick in full-time.

I took this pic of him & Cosmo on one of those pretty afternoons...

Buddies for life. :)

A couple of weekends ago, we went to see Elton John!!

I got some fairly good pics with my iPhone. I also got a lot of really good video!

We could not believe Mom's boyfriend- I looked over one time before the concert & noticed he had his "Elton glasses" on. :)

Tickling those ivories... he is so insanely talented!!

I hope to be posting more soon. I am working on one big project right now that I want to share soon!

My sweetie & I are planning a weekend to go see Jurassic Park in 3D. We want to make a day of it and shop & eat out. This is part of his birthday present- I wouldn't be too keen on watching it on just an ordinary occassion. You know how it goes- give & take! :)


  1. Awww so happy to see updates on you and your sweet family including your mom's new bf! :)

  2. It's a happy time in our family right now! I hope it is for y'all as well. Love you girl!!
